Does anyone read these?

Welcome to my blog page. This page will probably end up as a rant or where I generally ramble on about a whole bunch of stuff – it’s probably in the right place if you know what I mean… anyway, here’s a list of the latest.

Banker rhymes with…

Barack Obama

Aubergine in trampoline sex drama


Banker rhymes with…

There’s been much written recently in the press about banks and how they appear to be entirely responsible for the global recession. Like most of the population, I’ve watched the television interviews and read the pained analysis in the daily papers hoping that we might be moving towards a point where someone intelligent might take the banks by the scruff of the neck and politely suggest they start lending again… sensibly and quickly.

Alas no… as I write, too many small businesses on my travels, this isn’t happening. Far from it.

Good businesses with excellent track records are being offered appalling rates at a time when they are struggling to keep their employees in work. Just this week, a small business owner I know with an unblemished track record was refused an overdraft facility of less than £4,000 and instead offered a loan over four years at nearly 18% APR. That’s credit card rate! And not a particularly good one.

I never thought I’d say it, but, there comes a time when the government needs to step in and nationalise a few of the banks and take control of lending. The banks are seriously taking the Michael and it’s about time Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling showed some backbone.


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